
美國南卡羅來納大學蒞校參訪 University of South Carolina Visits NTSU

│發表單位:秘書室 │發表日期:2016-07-08
美國南卡羅來納大學貴賓與本校師長合影。左起南卡羅來納大學運動與娛樂管理系系主任Dr. Matthew Brown、南卡羅來納大學餐飲/零售與運動管理學院院長Dr. Haemoon Oh、國立體育大學高

美國南卡羅來納大學餐飲、零售與運動管理學院院長Dr. Haemoon Oh及運動與娛樂管理系系主任Dr. Matthew Brown於日前參訪國立體育大學,表達與本校締結合作之意願。雙方同意將盡速就合作細項展開洽談,提供更多學生赴外學習及教師互相交流之機會。

Dr. Haemoon Oh, Dean of College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management, and Dr. Matthew Brown, Chair of Department of Sport and Entertainment Management, from University of South Carolina visited National Taiwan Sport University to discuss cooperation opportunities. Both of the universities agreed to proceed to the agreements of cooperation on various programs as soon as possible.